Announcement: Project Otome Launched

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Hi all, Marvelle here~ peace

I suppose it was bound to happen eventually, but I’ve decided to try my hand at a visual novel~!

ohmyI should make it more formal. ahem

Cute & Steamy Romances presents

“Project Otome”

How’s that? Haha chuup

This was originally going to be a small series of Cute & Steamy novels, but I think it’ll work just fine as an otome game, if not better.

I haven’t searched or hired on any artists, programmers, musicians yet and I don’t plan to until I’ve written all the routes. nervous My goal is to have 40,000 – 60,000 words per route, which is the length of a novella to full length novel, respectively.

Here’s the premise!

Erina Muller is having a bad day.

One, her crappy roommate just got her booted from her dorm, suspended from orchestra, and put her scholarships in jeopardy.

Two, should her parents know about this, death would be preferable to the hell they would put her through.

Three, the only neighborhood in her budget is on the “bad” side of town and isn’t exactly known for welcoming newcomers.

But forced to choose between telling her parents or living in a hellhole, she chose living in a hellhole. Thus, to Karloff Manor Apartment Homes she goes~

B U T . . .

There is nothing out of the ordinary?!

In fact, it is a quiet suburb, almost eerily so.

Then why was all the information online wrong?

C O M E   N I G H T F A L L   E V E R Y T H I N G   C H A N G E S . . .

Dramatis Personae

Erina “Eri” Muller (name changeable)
Our titular heroine. A bit high strung, a bit standoffish, and did I mention she has a fierce RBF?

Rafael “Rafe”

A vampire that lives next door and is the head chef/owner of Le Fantome, the cafe downstairs. Even though he can’t eat human food, he loves the smell and creates his dishes using solely that sense. His cafe is rather popular in the spirit circles, though the humans don’t know of him at all. He and Eri don’t exactly get along well…

Theodore “Teo”

A werewolf. Super sweet and always has a smile on his face. He also goes to K. P. Institute of Higher Education and studies genetic engineering, same as Eri. They have a lot of classes together, but well, she has a rather fierce reputation and he’s more Mr. Popular…


A faerie also known as A. D. Foraoise (Assan Dust), author of everything from horror to modern literature. He’s a little flirty, to say the least, and he likes the sound of his own voice at that… but he and Eri seem to get along well enough, in that she constantly calls him out on his nonsense and he constantly teases her.

Azazel “Zel”

At first glance, he seems like an average nerd. A bit weird, a bit scatterbrained. In fact, just what sort of being is he…? No one seems to know and he’s not exactly forthcoming with information. Is there a reason why he immerses himself in fandoms and shies away from discussing anything not related to them?

Nalani “Nani”

Your friendly neighborhood witch. magicShe owns The Wee Spirits of Karloff Shoppe several blocks over. Free spirited and sweet, she’s the BFF you never knew you needed. Or perhaps, there is something else there? Female love interest


This is going to be a lot of firsts for me! First, writing a script. Second, writing in first person point of view. I’ve dabbled in first person POV before, but nothing to this extent. I love challenges and I’ve been reading up on writing first person POV, so I’m confident I can write something you will love reading. heart4

For Camp NaNoWriMo session one this year I’m going to try and complete one route. I’m not sure who I want to do first yet. Perhaps Rafe because I like that character archetype the most nervous

As of right now, these are the genres I’m thinking about for each character.

  • Rafael – murder mystery
  • Theodore – drama
  • Nani – cute/drama
  • Zel –  hurt/comfort ~ he’s probably going to end up being my “twisted” route…
  • Assan – romantic comedy

I don’t like the idea of drama for two of the routes, so I’m doing more brainstorming to see if I can have more variety in the character outlines. peace

At Project Otome I’ve been uploading my process from the planning stages to preliminary scripting.

Please check in from time to time if you desire~ heartglow

What do you guys think? Anyone you would like to play? I may start working on theirs first

2 Replies to “Announcement: Project Otome Launched”

  1. oooh this looks fun! i love that murder mystery stuff so… i’d vote for rafael =P

  2. I’m a fan of the hurt/comfort genre, so I choose Zel. 😀 This is an adorable little project you have here. I’m looking forward to the future game.

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